

The Census Dashboard

The Census Dashboard is a data analysis tool designed for the annual Household Listing Survey conducted by Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). This application allows users to uncover essential insights from the survey by cross-tabulating and visualizing various data attributes dynamically. These insights are expected to help CTA tailor programs and policies that effectively meet the specific needs of the tibetan population in exile.

QLE Dashboard

Quality Life Experience Index strives to draw reliable local data insights on livelihood, services and infrastructure across various Gram Panchayats in India. This is done through breaking down data for different constituencies, districts and blocks from Mission Antyodaya scheme. This is a joint intiative of Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), Transform Rural India (TRI), and Sambodhi Research Private Ltd.

City Aspirational Index

City Aspirational Index is conceived by Gujarat Urban Development Mission to assess the performance of various Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of Gujarat on parameters such as citizen service delivery, governance, financial management and urban planning. The project involves developing web & mobile interfaces for data collection, data analysis and dashboarding.

Rural Quality of Life Dashboard

Developed on behalf of the Development Intelligence Unit in co-ordination with Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, this tool measures the performance of 707 rural districts in India on various pillars & indicators to accurately quantify and rank them in terms of providing a decent quality life to their citizenry.

India City Rankings Dashboard

This is a transformative initiative of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India. It provides a framework to assess the performance of each city administration in India to rank and benchmark Indian cities against national and global benchmarks for Ease of Living (EoL) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Project Blue

This project has been commissioned and financed by World Bank and developed in collaboration with National Center For Sustainable Coastal Management, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. This dashboard maps all coastal ecosystems in India and provides a framework for identifying ecologically sensitive and critically vulnerable zones.